This month I read PROJEKT 1065 by Alan Gratz. Last month I was not finished with it but now I am. PROJEKT 1065 is a book about a 13 year old Irish boy named Michael who works as a spy with his parents during World War II. But he is not just any spy, he is a spy in Berlin the center of the Nazi political party. Michael is apart of the hitler youth as every boy is required to. While in the hitler youth they get called to find a shot down British pilot in the countryside. Michael is lucky enough to find him first but where will he hide him?Michael is called up on an important mission to assassinate one of the creators of the atomic bomb. Will he be able to stop it?

I liked this book because it is very detailed and action packed. This book will have you at the edge of your seat while reading it.

My favorite character in the book is Simon which is the British Pilot that was shot down. Simon is my favirote character because he is funny. One quote that proves this is “An Englishman, Scotsman, and the Irishman, we some magical fellow at the top of a tall building. The wizard tells them that if they jump off the building, whatever they say, while they’re falling will appear at the bottom. So the Englishman, he jumps off first, be the bravest of them of course, and he yells, ‘Pillows!’ And he lands on a big pile of pillows. The Scotsman jump off next, and on the way down, he yells, ‘Hay!’ And he lands in a big pile of hay. Last up is the Irishman, but he trips on the edge of the building right as he’s about to jump, and as he falls he yells, ‘Oh, crap!’” This quote proves he is funny because even while getting bombed Simon still finds a way to make Michael smile.

My favorite quote in the book is when Michael’s parents said “Sometimes you have to sacrifice good people to win a war. This is my favorite quote because it shows how messed up war is and how bad World War II was.

Invisible for a Day

If I were to be invisible for 24 hours I would have so much fun! First I would go have breakfast at my favorite breakfast place, Breakfast Republic. I wait till the chef sets the Churro Pancakes down then I take them and run out of the restaurant to my house so I can eat the magnificent tasting Churro Pancakes. After breakfast I go to watch a movie because I can sneak in for free, I snuck behind the counter and grabbed a bucket of popcorn when nobody was looking and snuck in to my movie. After watching the movie which felt like forever, I went to go mess with people at their soccer games, I moved the ball a little when it was rolling and the players looked so confused. By the time I went to the mall to get new shoes it was already 8:00pm and I had to get home at 9:30. I found a store that had my size then I went to the back of the store to try to find a shoe I like, I did. It was a red and black Jordan shoe. I had to walk home because I didn’t tell anybody I was invisible so I had no one to pick me up. As soon as I got home I started playing Fortnite with my friends till 2:00 then I went to bed. That is what I would do if I were invisible what would you do?

Life on my Island

Life on my abandoned island is lonely. I start off my day by drinking some of the water I caught overnight in my bowl I made out of wood. The second thing I do is take a walk on the beach to relax and to admire the ocean. Around midday is when I start getting hungry I can either try to knock down a coconut or go fishing. I choose to fish because I had coconuts yesterday, I start a fire and roast the fish over the fire until it is cooked. I go visit my pets Richy who is a hermit crab and Marley who is also a hermit crab. I spend the rest of my day exploring more of my island and trying to build random stuff to entertain me. I end my day by making sure there is no leaks in my hut and making sure I’m protected from any danger that might be on the island. That’s is my day on the island what does yours look like?

Rad Reading-January

This month I am reading Projekt 1065 by Alan Gratz. I have not finished reading; I am on page 180.

This book is about an Irish boy named Michael O’Shaunessey who is living at an embassy in Berlin, Germany during World War II. He is apart of the Hitler Youth which is basically school in Germany but it teaches very little education and more physical stuff. Michael and his parents are also spy’s for the allies. He is planning to steal some big blueprints about a jet plane that will change the war.

I liked this book because it is suspenseful and has many surprises you wouldn’t expect. Also there is plenty of humor in this book to make you laugh. This is a very interesting, suspenseful, and historically accurate book.

My favorite character is Michael because he is caring. “If I didn’t find the British pilot first, he was a dead man.” This proves he is caring because he is hard at work trying to find the pilot because he wants to save everybody he can.

My favorite quote from the book is “Sometimes we have to sacrifice good people to win a war.” This quote is my favorite because it has a very melancholy feeling to it. This quote also shows how bad World War II was.

AirSoft War

It was a warm sunny Saturday afternoon. I was going Airsofting for the first time ever, I was ecstatic because it had always been something I wanted to do. We were playing capture the flag. I had to listen to the most boring safety instructions ever. I was finally getting ready to go play airsoft, I had like an small gun that can shoot really really fast but you have to have it on a certain setting which isn’t allowed because it will hurt people. I went with some of my friends which were all on my team, I was ecstatic to be there. Beep! The alarm sounded indicating we can start. I hid behind an inflatable barrier waiting for an enemy to pass by. Bop! Bop! I got someone for the first time!

It is later in the game we are capturing the flag then my teammate tells me to get the flag because I’m the fastest on the team. I run in and get out quickly, I am sprinting so fast I can’t see around me. Then I hear shots going around me and just over me, I duck behind an inflatable trying to see where the shots are coming from so I can go around. I see a clear pathway to my base, I takeoff running so fast my legs were burning. Beep! The game had ended my team had won. After that day I feel in love with airsoft.

“Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, when one only remembers to turn on the light.” -Albus Dumbledore

The quote in my title was said by Albus Dumbledore out of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. This quote means something to me because it reminds me of my mom because she always finds a way to make me laugh even when I don’t want to. One time this happened was when I lost a soccer game and was in the car driving home, I had an angry face and my mom played “24k Magic” by Bruno Mars which has a lyric that says “Why you mad, fix ya face.” The second the song said that the whole car burst out laughing including me. That’s why this quote means something to me, does this quote mean something to you?

My Hero Mom

My hero is my mom. My mom is my hero because she takes me to almost all of my practices and games. She does the most amount of driving in my family. She works hard doing her job which is a nurse in a surgery office. She is always tired when she gets home so I try to do a lot for her when she gets home. She also does 99% of the cooking in my family and all of the food she makes is so delicious. My mom always makes me laugh when I’m feeling down and she always understands me. In conclusion my mom is the best mom I could have ever asked for.

New Year New Word

My 2024 word of intention is practice. In 2023 I didn’t put enough time into the things I wanted to do. For example, one of my goals last year was to make a good soccer team, I made an ok soccer team but not the one I wanted. I didn’t practice enough everyday to achieve my goal. Another example, is my math tests, I didn’t do that well in math the first semester because I didn’t do enough studying for the tests leading to not the best grade I could get. Lastly, I want to practice how to cook. I take home economics but I still want to learn more so I can surprise my family by making them a dinner. That is my 2024 word of intention what is yours?


This month I read PLAY BALL by Matt Christopher. This story is about two best friends which are also cousins named Liam and Carter who live in Pennsylvania and play baseball together and are on the verge of winning the Little League World Series. Unfortunately they lose to their number one rival Philip DiMaggio in the semifinal. Then suddenly Liam moves across the country to California and they can no longer be on the same baseball team. So now Liam is forced to play with his rival Philip DiMaggio and things get heated. I liked the book because I always love all sports books and I can connect and feel what the author is saying because I know what it feels like to lose that way. My favorite character from the book is Liam McGrath because he is competitive and hates to lose. “He wanted to try teeing off on Phillip—badly.” This shows his competitiveness and drive to be better than Phillip. My favorite quote from the book is “Guess there are some kids who can hit off you after all, huh, DiMaggio? And guess who’s going. To be one of them? Me!” This is my favorite quote because Liam sounds confident and sure he is going to get a hit and I love trash talk.

Principal Ricky

Mrs. Tanikawa is out sick for the day and the school has asked me to step up as principal for the day. The first thing I would do is allow students to play music only if they have some sort of headphones. Music helps me focus and just gets me in a good mood. The second thing I would do is I would make the amount of tardies 5 before the student gets a call home. Also, I would either have every Monday off or have every Monday a minimum day because no one really likes Monday. Those are all the things I would do as principal what would you do?