This month I read PROJEKT 1065 by Alan Gratz. Last month I was not finished with it but now I am. PROJEKT 1065 is a book about a 13 year old Irish boy named Michael who works as a spy with his parents during World War II. But he is not just any spy, he is a spy in Berlin the center of the Nazi political party. Michael is apart of the hitler youth as every boy is required to. While in the hitler youth they get called to find a shot down British pilot in the countryside. Michael is lucky enough to find him first but where will he hide him?Michael is called up on an important mission to assassinate one of the creators of the atomic bomb. Will he be able to stop it?

I liked this book because it is very detailed and action packed. This book will have you at the edge of your seat while reading it.

My favorite character in the book is Simon which is the British Pilot that was shot down. Simon is my favirote character because he is funny. One quote that proves this is “An Englishman, Scotsman, and the Irishman, we some magical fellow at the top of a tall building. The wizard tells them that if they jump off the building, whatever they say, while they’re falling will appear at the bottom. So the Englishman, he jumps off first, be the bravest of them of course, and he yells, ‘Pillows!’ And he lands on a big pile of pillows. The Scotsman jump off next, and on the way down, he yells, ‘Hay!’ And he lands in a big pile of hay. Last up is the Irishman, but he trips on the edge of the building right as he’s about to jump, and as he falls he yells, ‘Oh, crap!’” This quote proves he is funny because even while getting bombed Simon still finds a way to make Michael smile.

My favorite quote in the book is when Michael’s parents said “Sometimes you have to sacrifice good people to win a war. This is my favorite quote because it shows how messed up war is and how bad World War II was.


  1. That’s a funny joke! I great up hearing those kinds of jokes. 🙂
    I would love to know more about why I should read the book. You are quite vague in your explanation.

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