“Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, when one only remembers to turn on the light.” -Albus Dumbledore

The quote in my title was said by Albus Dumbledore out of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. This quote means something to me because it reminds me of my mom because she always finds a way to make me laugh even when I don’t want to. One time this happened was when I lost a soccer game and was in the car driving home, I had an angry face and my mom played “24k Magic” by Bruno Mars which has a lyric that says “Why you mad, fix ya face.” The second the song said that the whole car burst out laughing including me. That’s why this quote means something to me, does this quote mean something to you?

My Hero Mom

My hero is my mom. My mom is my hero because she takes me to almost all of my practices and games. She does the most amount of driving in my family. She works hard doing her job which is a nurse in a surgery office. She is always tired when she gets home so I try to do a lot for her when she gets home. She also does 99% of the cooking in my family and all of the food she makes is so delicious. My mom always makes me laugh when I’m feeling down and she always understands me. In conclusion my mom is the best mom I could have ever asked for.

New Year New Word

My 2024 word of intention is practice. In 2023 I didn’t put enough time into the things I wanted to do. For example, one of my goals last year was to make a good soccer team, I made an ok soccer team but not the one I wanted. I didn’t practice enough everyday to achieve my goal. Another example, is my math tests, I didn’t do that well in math the first semester because I didn’t do enough studying for the tests leading to not the best grade I could get. Lastly, I want to practice how to cook. I take home economics but I still want to learn more so I can surprise my family by making them a dinner. That is my 2024 word of intention what is yours?


This month I read PLAY BALL by Matt Christopher. This story is about two best friends which are also cousins named Liam and Carter who live in Pennsylvania and play baseball together and are on the verge of winning the Little League World Series. Unfortunately they lose to their number one rival Philip DiMaggio in the semifinal. Then suddenly Liam moves across the country to California and they can no longer be on the same baseball team. So now Liam is forced to play with his rival Philip DiMaggio and things get heated. I liked the book because I always love all sports books and I can connect and feel what the author is saying because I know what it feels like to lose that way. My favorite character from the book is Liam McGrath because he is competitive and hates to lose. “He wanted to try teeing off on Phillip—badly.” This shows his competitiveness and drive to be better than Phillip. My favorite quote from the book is “Guess there are some kids who can hit off you after all, huh, DiMaggio? And guess who’s going. To be one of them? Me!” This is my favorite quote because Liam sounds confident and sure he is going to get a hit and I love trash talk.